Therapists by location

Select a location to see practitioners based there.

Although we cannot recommend any particular practitioner, please read our guidance about choosing a therapist.

Elena Brogi
Sue Newsome
Juliana Moro
Julie Friend
Giulia Dallas
Susan Quilliam
Heather Page
Keith Ewing
Carl Taylor
Anne-Marie Tenace
Andrea Giraldez-Hayes
Vince Perri
Paul Doocey
Anshu Rastogi
Ella Conway
Anna Gaffney Jones
Dr Catia Acosta
Christine Habermehl
Ruth Brenner Ungar
LV Penman
Claudia Carter Coussins
Saundra Rhoden
Carla Preston
Jan O’Mahony
Mike Gray
Fran Roberts
Nicholas Jagels
Christie E. Goodall
Darren Cheek
Juliet McDonnell
Kei Iino
David Petherbridge
Helen Barnes
Dr Charis Green
Lara Arthur
Doron Levene
Bruno Nice
Christine Andreasen
Duncan Branley
Stephen Smith
Jo Shaw
Karen Lubner
Munjeeta Sohal
Jo Harding
Kim Tasso
Sarita Godhania
Virginia Geffroy
David Dickey-Collas
Mark Kelly
Maggie Jamieson
Denise Oliver-Morgan
Graham Mummery
Deborah Klein
Jack Spence
Anthony Caldwell
Brad Cole
Catherine Matheson
Selena Doggett-Jones
Lucy Gardner
Luisa Hoque
Maxwell Omo-Ajede
Niki Costas Tanto
Nicola Lewis

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